Our Team


Meet our Founder


Andrea Fields

Andrea is an educator and an engineer.  For years, she has been a leader in digital fabrication for STEM education presenting internationally on concept and design.  She is a sought after speaker and spokesperson for minority women in STEM.  Her engagements have included: The Ohio State Senate, TEDxCLE, GE, Chevron, and U.S. News and World Report, as well as contributions to the book, “Deeper Learning.” 

She received her B.S and M.S in Civil Engineering from Cleveland State University. She started her career as a founding student at MC2 STEM High School in Cleveland, Ohio. At MC2, Andrea gained realtime, hands-on knowledge and experience in digital fabrication and the internal operations of a fabrication laboratory.

Her desire to empower women was set in motion by a traumatic experience of her own in 2012.  Instead of allowing a series of events to destroy her life, she cultivated her own soil in order to produce new LYF.  Andrea had a vision to provide programs designed to educate females about loving themselves first in respectful relationships. She wanted to develop experiences that can render self reflection using tools other than as pen and paper. This led Andrea to create the LYF Foundation Corp.

Andrea is married to her husband Jonathan, and together they have three beautiful children, Ayra, Josiah, and Amila.  Andrea is the youngest of 6 children.  Her family’s love and her faith have kept her divinely rooted.